
Showing posts from August, 2020

Fairy Lights

Fairy Lights Fairy lights on my wall. My safe space. This is where I belong, Be it bustling with action for a passion Or hibernating in the dark. I'm grateful for my room's four walls. _________________________________________ Poet's description: Generating gratitude for the simple things. 🌟 Gratitude is a powerful tool. Be grateful before you go to bed. Be grateful when you wake up.  Are you grateful for anything in your surroundings right now, too???!! Look around and let me know in the comments. 


Anchor Dad, Thank you for being my anchor. For telling me I never have to fear. No pressure, only love has been your motto. As the going gets tough,  You train me to be tougher. You never suppressed my thoughts or voice, Where others may have dismissed a child. How others treated girls, you didn't care. Didn't ponder what difference gender made. Showing me where I needed to improve Without once losing your cool. Despite your well known temper, You weren't the typical disciplinarian ever. Your love for me has been boundless. You ensured it's infused in my environment.  Even when I took it for granted; When I hurt you, you didn't hold onto it. So thank you, Dad, for being my anchor. My ship wont sink  With your help in navigation. And with you, the seas I can conquer! __________________________________________ Poet's Description: This one's for my dad. My dad's a super-hero who's always wanted me to be free and fearless. 


Original quote by Tarika. Description: A sudden realization in the middle of the day while sipping my coffee.


Cappuccino   The bubbles  In my cappuccino  The troubles in my head Can dissolve in a moment  If I look up and look ahead ___________________________________________ Poet's Description: I can't live without my cappuccino! ☕ 💗

Wild Disregard

Wild disregard She lives her life with wild disregard  For anything but her free spirited heart _________________________________________ Poet's description: This sums up my attitude towards life. It has it's pros and cons. But nothing beats dancing to your own tune....! 💃

While I Can

While I Can I am like a strong gust of wind Bringing sweet melodies from far away lands I'm not good at promising forever Let me soothe you while I can ___________________________________________ Poem decoded: I've noticed I'm often not good at maintaining consistency in my interactions. Talking regularly and hanging out frequently, even though I do like the other person to quite an extent. Life gets busy and I find that I need a lot of me-time to keep my batteries recharged. I feel guilty, but if I keep pushing myself to show up, I'd resent that too. Would you be able to handle that, dear new friend? I don't know! So let's live in this moment and enjoy it to the fullest. Let's see where it goes, rather than promising forever  and being disappointed later (You by me or me by you). And then maybe stealing moments of joy together will go on and on...until forever....! 


Eyes Don't let your eyes Lose their twinkle Just because some can't  Understand the language of  Their shine. __________________________________ Poem decoded: Not everyone will understand your awesome, special and unique qualities to the same degree. But that doesn't mean you stop being yourself or don't value what you bring to the table. You are special, so keep the spark in your eyes alive!


Hope If you think there's no limit to hope, There's an end to every rope. -------------------------‐--------------------------------- Description: Even hope isn't infinite and always available. Sometimes you find yourself with little hope left.