

Thank you for being my anchor.

For telling me I never have to fear.
No pressure, only love has been your motto.
As the going gets tough, 
You train me to be tougher.

You never suppressed my thoughts or voice,
Where others may have dismissed a child.
How others treated girls, you didn't care.
Didn't ponder what difference gender made.

Showing me where I needed to improve
Without once losing your cool.
Despite your well known temper,
You weren't the typical disciplinarian ever.

Your love for me has been boundless.
You ensured it's infused in my environment. 
Even when I took it for granted;
When I hurt you, you didn't hold onto it.

So thank you, Dad, for being my anchor.
My ship wont sink 
With your help in navigation.
And with you, the seas I can conquer!


Poet's Description: This one's for my dad. My dad's a super-hero who's always wanted me to be free and fearless. 


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